(Insert Big Benefit Here)

Share The Title Of Your Offer Here

This is where you share 1-2 sentences that give the 'big promise' your offer solves for your audience. This allows the fast decision makers to buy QUICKLY, without reading the full sales page.

This section can be longer if needed. As long as it includes the big promise and a link to buy, you're good!

Does this sound familiar?

This is the space to join the conversation your audience is having in their head. Paint a picture of how they feel right now, as it relates to the problem your product or service solves.

  • Answer the question: What do they have?

  • Answer the question: How do they feel?

  • Answer the question: What does their average day look like?

  • Answer the question: How do they see themselves, and how do others see them?

… If so, then keep reading, because I’ve got a secret for you.

The Problem is...

Most people (insert common assumption that your target audience assumes)

BUT - they fail to recognize (insert opposite value add that your audience overlooks)

Like me, most people were looking for...

  • Insert Value Statement #1 - Share a relatable statement that shares what you experienced before learning what you teach in your offer

  • Insert Value Statement #2 - Share a relatable statement that shares what you experienced before learning what you teach in your offer

  • Insert Value Statement #3 - Share a relatable statement that shares what you experienced before learning what you teach in your offer

But not having this set up yet - is NOT your fault.

In this section, show your audience that the problem they are experiencing is common and NOT their fault. This is where you want to position yourself as your audience's greatest ally and cheerleader. This is also your opportunity to call out any 'bad behavior' you see in your industry that has only exacerbated the problem your audience is currently experiencing.

Imagine if you could feel like this...

This is where you want to move them from 'problem aware' to 'solution aware' and paint a picture of what's possible with your solution.

  • Share what life can look like for your audience AFTER they go through your offer/program.

  • Share what life can look like for your audience AFTER they go through your offer/program.

  • Share what life can look like for your audience AFTER they go through your offer/program.

  • Share what life can look like for your audience AFTER they go through your offer/program.

Never (Something They Don't Want) Again!

Get Instant Access to the Full Program and All the Bonuses Today for Just (Special Price)

Here's Exactly What You'll Get Inside (Your Offer Name):

Value Driven 'What You Get' Statement #1

Write a Value Driven Description here. Apple pie pudding candy canes dessert dragée. Dessert chocolate cake shortbread marshmallow dessert chocolate cake. Tootsie roll pastry cake chupa chups sugar plum. Chupa chups caramels pie tootsie roll lollipop.

$$ Value

Value Driven 'What You Get' Statement #2

Write a Value Driven Description here. Apple pie pudding candy canes dessert dragée. Dessert chocolate cake shortbread marshmallow dessert chocolate cake. Tootsie roll pastry cake chupa chups sugar plum. Chupa chups caramels pie tootsie roll lollipop.

$$ Value

Value Driven 'What You Get' Statement #3

Write a Value Driven Description here. Apple pie pudding candy canes dessert dragée. Dessert chocolate cake shortbread marshmallow dessert chocolate cake. Tootsie roll pastry cake chupa chups sugar plum. Chupa chups caramels pie tootsie roll lollipop.

$$ Value

Value Driven 'What You Get' Statement #4

Write a Value Driven Description here. Apple pie pudding candy canes dessert dragée. Dessert chocolate cake shortbread marshmallow dessert chocolate cake. Tootsie roll pastry cake chupa chups sugar plum. Chupa chups caramels pie tootsie roll lollipop.

$$ Value

PLUS These Amazing Bonuses:

$________ Value

Bonus #1

Write a Value Driven Description here. Apple pie pudding candy canes dessert. Dessert chocolate cake shortbread marshmallow dessert chocolate cake. Tootsie roll pastry cake plum.

$$ Value

Bonus #2

Write a Value Driven Description here. Apple pie pudding candy canes dessert. Dessert chocolate cake shortbread marshmallow dessert chocolate cake. Tootsie roll pastry cake plum.

$$ Value

Bonus #3

Write a Value Driven Description here. Apple pie pudding candy canes dessert. Dessert chocolate cake shortbread marshmallow dessert chocolate cake. Tootsie roll pastry cake plum.

$$ Value

Share a testimonial here. Brownie chocolate candy muffin shortbread oat cake lemon drops chocolate bar. Cookie cake liquorice sweet marzipan gummi bears liquorice sweet. Lemon drops sugar plum topping gummies caramels candy canes sesame snaps.

Name Here

You'll know this is for YOU if...

  • Lollipop caramels donut candy tart topping. Pastry apple pie dessert halvah caramels gummi bears cookie caramels bonbon.

  • Caramels chocolate cake icing brownie chocolate tiramisu chocolate marshmallow. Jelly pastry chocolate cake biscuit. Fruitcake sesame snaps cake apple pie powder jujubes chocolate powder.

  • Carrot cake cupcake jelly-o pudding shortbread sesame snaps gummi bears. Bonbon pudding toffee gingerbread bear claw liquorice apple pie. Caramels wafer donut gingerbread topping cake soufflé.

  • Cheesecake jelly beans icing chocolate bar bear claw bonbon ice cream shortbread sugar plum bear claw chocolate cake jelly beans.


Your's Today For Just (Special Price)

You've Got Options To Help You Get Started Today

Choose which plan works best for you, so you can (insert big benefit here)!


Pay in Full

(one payment)



Pay Monthly

(6 month payment)


You've got Questions

I've got answers!

When does the program start?

Answer the frequently asked question here. Muffin dessert fruitcake sugar plum pastry cake. Sweet carrot cake tiramisu cookie marzipan dragée gingerbread tootsie roll. Chocolate jelly-o candy canes shortbread icing donut wafer. Cupcake ipsum dolor sit amet. Halvah gummi bears pie pie pie gummi bears chocolate cake lollipop. Gummi bears cake pudding powder pie. Cake sweet jujubes dessert carrot cake.

How do I access the program?

Answer the frequently asked question here. Muffin dessert fruitcake sugar plum pastry cake. Sweet carrot cake tiramisu cookie marzipan dragée gingerbread tootsie roll. Chocolate jelly-o candy canes shortbread icing donut wafer. Cupcake ipsum dolor sit amet. Halvah gummi bears pie pie pie gummi bears chocolate cake lollipop. Gummi bears cake pudding powder pie. Cake sweet jujubes dessert carrot cake.

What support do I get while going through the program?

Answer the frequently asked question here. Muffin dessert fruitcake sugar plum pastry cake. Sweet carrot cake tiramisu cookie marzipan dragée gingerbread tootsie roll. Chocolate jelly-o candy canes shortbread icing donut wafer. Cupcake ipsum dolor sit amet. Halvah gummi bears pie pie pie gummi bears chocolate cake lollipop. Gummi bears cake pudding powder pie. Cake sweet jujubes dessert carrot cake.

How long do I have access to the program?

Answer the frequently asked question here. Muffin dessert fruitcake sugar plum pastry cake. Sweet carrot cake tiramisu cookie marzipan dragée gingerbread tootsie roll. Chocolate jelly-o candy canes shortbread icing donut wafer. Cupcake ipsum dolor sit amet. Halvah gummi bears pie pie pie gummi bears chocolate cake lollipop. Gummi bears cake pudding powder pie. Cake sweet jujubes dessert carrot cake.

What is your return policy?

Answer the frequently asked question here. Muffin dessert fruitcake sugar plum pastry cake. Sweet carrot cake tiramisu cookie marzipan dragée gingerbread tootsie roll. Chocolate jelly-o candy canes shortbread icing donut wafer. Cupcake ipsum dolor sit amet. Halvah gummi bears pie pie pie gummi bears chocolate cake lollipop. Gummi bears cake pudding powder pie. Cake sweet jujubes dessert carrot cake.

Have a question that wasn't answered above?

Send me an email at (insert your preferred email address here) and I will get back to you within 24-48 hours.

What Other's Are Saying About (Name of Your Offer)

Share a testimonial here. Brownie chocolate candy muffin shortbread oat cake lemon drops chocolate bar. Cookie cake liquorice sweet marzipan gummi bears liquorice sweet. Lemon drops sugar plum topping gummies caramels candy canes soufflé sesame.

Name Here

Share a testimonial here. Brownie chocolate candy muffin shortbread oat cake lemon drops chocolate bar. Cookie cake liquorice sweet marzipan gummi bears liquorice sweet. Lemon drops sugar plum topping gummies caramels candy canes soufflé sesame.

Name Here

Share a testimonial here. Brownie chocolate candy muffin shortbread oat cake lemon drops chocolate bar. Cookie cake liquorice sweet marzipan gummi bears liquorice sweet. Lemon drops sugar plum topping gummies caramels candy canes soufflé sesame.

Name Here

Access The (Insert Your Offer Name) Instantly and See for Yourself Within the Next 30 DAYS.

If you implement the steps in this training and do not see (quick win benefit) within 30 days, I'll give you your $_______ back.

That's how confident I am that (Your Offer Name) will help you
(Benefit They Really Want #1) and (Benefit They Really Want #2) so you
can (Benefit of the Benefit).

100% Money Back Guaranteed.

When You Enroll Today,

you'll click open your membership link to access:

Value Driven 'What You Get' Statement #1 - $$ Value

Value Driven 'What You Get' Statement #2 - $$ Value

Value Driven 'What You Get' Statement #3 - $$ Value

Value Driven 'What You Get' Statement #4 - $$ Value

Bonus #1 - $$ Value

Bonus #2 - $$ Value

Bonus #3 - $$ Value


Your's Today For Just (Special Price)


Hey! I'm {Your Name}

Use this section to share your Hero Transformation Story as it relates to your micro offer. Try to keep it under 1200 characters.

Shortbread jelly beans jelly brownie lemon drops powder. Toffee sweet roll bear claw sugar plum donut cupcake jelly-o chocolate bar. Chocolate bar cookie gingerbread oat cake liquorice.

Brownie chocolate candy muffin dragée shortbread oat cake lemon drops chocolate bar. Cookie cake liquorice sweet marzipan gummi bears liquorice sweet. Lemon drops sugar plum topping gummies caramels candy canes soufflé sesame snaps.

Share a testimonial here. Brownie chocolate candy muffin shortbread oat cake lemon drops chocolate bar. Cookie cake liquorice sweet marzipan gummi bears liquorice sweet. Lemon drops sugar plum topping gummies caramels candy canes sesame snaps.

Name Here

Share a testimonial here. Brownie chocolate candy muffin shortbread oat cake lemon drops chocolate bar. Cookie cake liquorice sweet marzipan gummi bears liquorice sweet. Lemon drops sugar plum topping gummies caramels candy canes sesame snaps.

Name Here

You've Got Options To Help You Get Started Today

Choose which plan works best for you, so you can (insert big benefit here)!


Pay in Full

(one payment)



Pay Monthly

(6 month payment)


© {Enter Year} Your Full Name or Brand Name Here. All Rights Reserved.